As technology moves forward, airborne and space-borne systems will continue generating progressively larger images – more bits per pixel and improved spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions. At the same time, the quantity of imagery and data requiring analysis will grow exponentially, and the traditional manual processes of analyzing data will no longer be useful due to the deluge of information. In addition, combining images in such a way that the relevant information is not lost or degraded continues to be a challenge. Registration is particularly challenging when fusing imagery from different sensors with different resolutions, and when fusing images of a scene that has been derived from different aspects. Manual image registration techniques require the user to mentally correlate the features of one image with another in an attempt to get a more comprehensive understanding of the scene in question. This process is not only tedious but error-prone as well. In order to avoid expensive and vital imagery to go to waste, the use of Automatic Image Registration is required to provide assistance to image analysts in performing their tasks. Automatic Image Registration (AIR) could be used to facilitate strategic, operational and tactical decisions, in both military and civilian applications. In comparison with other registration methods, such as manual or intensity-based registration, AUG Signals’ AIR product has several advantages and innovations, providing:
Please see AUG Signals’ Automatic Image Registration Demo.
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