Improved Communication Data Exploitation Technology

Communication spectrum segmentation is used as a method of transmitting signals by frequently switching carriers among a set of channels, rendering them highly resistant to interference. In general, the Receiver-Exciter Unit (REU) plays a pivotal role as part of modern frequency spectrum analysis and monitoring design configurations.

The technology refers to an REU that can scan the spectrum, detect and analyze the transmissions, identify communications and allow the system controller to categorize the communications. It is developed by AUG Signals in collaboration with other partners. The technology can be integrated into systems used for spectrum management, monitoring or planning purposes.

From a technical perspective, the REU receives the Radio Frequency (RF) signal, processes it, containing a configurable number of parallel RF signal processing modules that allow the processing of the desired frequency range.

The REU’s output is processed by the system and translated into the chosen RF band for subsequent transmission categories.

The delivered REU’s algorithms include the following functionalities:

Baseband signal filtering and signal resolution, measurement, classification and identification

Emitter correlation within track list:
Algorithms that process a sequence of the identified emissions, delivered from the previous step, and produce a track list adding target classification into emitters. This information is packed and will be delivered asynchronously to the GUI for presentation and offline processing.Signal generation analysis:

Algorithms that decide whether a signal will be generated for a specific emitter based on users’ criteria

Emitter location:
Algorithms that enable emitter location in the GUI when more than one system (spatially separated) are interconnected

Emitters communications’ protection

Algorithms to detect communication emitters, using both users’ or systems’ criteria, and integration of these algorithms with the ones in the previous step

REU calibration:


p style=”padding-left: 40px;”>Algorithms for the software calibration of multichannel input bearing detection subsystem

The technology (using commercial off the shelf hardware) enables spectrum analysis with an equivalent scanning speed of 10.000 GHz/sec at 25 kHz resolution. Its input is radio frequency signals received from an omni-directional input or interferometer antennas or a combination in the 20 – 420 MHz frequency range.