Toronto, November 2011: The Canadian Space Agency has awarded AUG Signals with a contract to assess vision systems and lidar/ laser-based technologies for the requirement of “2011 Technology Assessment of Key Technologies for Space Exploration” program.

The objective of this work is to perform a comprehensive review of vision systems and lidar/laser-based technologies for space exploration in order to assess Canada’s competitive position in current and future space markets. This will be achieved by performing:

1. An overview of technology state-of-the-art and high-level capabilities
2. Determination of technology trends
3. Determination of required vision product improvements necessary to become a major provider of future space exploration technologies.

For all three cases, Canada’s competitive position in the market and prospects will be reviewed.

The output of this study will provide the CSA and its partners with a comprehensive understanding of current state-of-the-art products, trends, markets and technological challenges for the vision systems and lidar/laser-based technologies for space exploration and suggest investment priorities.

For more information, please contact Dr. Abhijit Sinha, Project Manager


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